* How do I get into ASI? What are the eligibility requirements?
ArtsCentric Summer Institute is open to teens and young adults ages 14 - 22 years of age. All must audition.
* What do I need to prepare for my audition?
We want to see the best version of you. All you have to do is perform 16 bars of a song and 1 minute monologue. No profane or vulgar material please.
* Can I perform something acapella?
We'd prefer you bring sheet music with you for the accompanist. Please choose something in a key that is comfortable for you.
* Do I need to perform in a specific style?
No, perform whatever you do best. We just want to get to know your artistry.
* I don't have a headshot or résumé, what do I do?
We just want to see you. Print out and bring a current picture of yourself that you like. It should represent who you are right now. The picture should be from the last thirty days.
* If you don't have a resume, feel free to type on a sheet of paper that you have no stage experience. If you've done anything at all, even if it was in church or when you were a toddler, feel free to add all of that in. Staple your headshot/picture and resume together, back to back.
* Will there be another audition date?
If we feel we need to see more talent, we will post another audition announcement on our social media pages and website.
* How many people are accepted into the program?
ASI is designed to cater to individuals. We spend a lot of time giving each student one-on-one attention and like to get to know our participants well. It creates a strong sense of trust among those involved so we only take a max of 16 participants each year.
* When will I know if I’ve been accepted into the program?
All applicants will be notified of their acceptance by March 15, 2025.​
* What are the dates for ASI?
June 23 - July 20, 2025 from 9 am - 3:30 pm, Monday - Friday. These hours will be adjusted slightly during the final week.
* What is the cost of the ArtsCentric Summer Institute?
The total cost of the four-week, in-person intensive is $1150. ​
* What is included in the cost of tuition?
The tuition covers the student rate and includes a professional headshot, ASI t-shirt, one-on-one coaching, and valuable resources/materials that can be used for future auditions/performances. Artists will also be given the chance to showcase their talent for local college professors and department heads, as well as, casting directors in theatre, television and film. This is an invaluable experience to our participants that is not done anywhere else in Baltimore.
* Are scholarships available?
Yes! The Elizabeth Ridgeway Scholarship is open to all students with a financial need. If you are interested in applying, email us at to receive an application.
* Are payment plans available?
Yes! Payment plans are available. If you’d like to discuss setting up a plan, email​
* What happens during a typical day at ASI?
ASI combines a core set of studio and master classes taught by professionals with regional, national/international tour, and Broadway credits.
* Classes are divided into small groups and focus on acting, dancing, singing, and auditioning & performance skills. Each day will culminate in rehearsal for the musical to be performed at the conclusion of the intensive.
* Will lunch be provided by ASI?
No, students will have a 30 minute lunch break and are advised to bring their lunches with them. We shy away from students leaving the grounds during the day, for their safety.
However, we do recommend each student bring a large water bottle to keep with them throughout the day.
* Where will ASI be held?
ASI will be held at ArtsCentric located at 2600 N. Howard Street in the Remington area of Baltimore.
* I’m a parent/guardian, may I visit and observe classes?
We ask that parents/guardians not visit classes as we have found it to be a distraction to the students. You will have an opportunity to see what your child has been working on, at their final performances.
* Will there be a parent meeting for general information?
We will hold a parent meeting during the first day of the intensive, June 23, 2025 at 8:45 am. We ask that all parents attend this important meeting as you will have the opportunity to meet our staff, ask questions and address any concerns.​